Rolex watch buying guide
Undoubtedly, you cannot find a valuable wristwatch collection in which no wristwatch is from the Rolex brand. The Rolex watch can be declared the pinnacle of glory and creativity in the watchmaking industry. Nowadays, Rolex watches are expensive and have become more decorative, but this is not a reason to say that people with valuable businesses only own Rolex. Nowadays, many young people are very interested in using watches by this brand.

A brief history of Rolex watches
The history of the Rolex watch brand, with more than a century of innovation, begins in 1905 with the establishment of the watchmaking company Wilsdorf and Davies in London. Hans Wilsdorf and Alfred Davis, who were the company's founders, changed the brand name to Rolex in 1908. After this name change, Rolex moved to Geneva. Rolex has many firsts in its brilliant career; for example, in 1926, Rolex invented its first waterproof wristwatch. Also, in 1931, Rolex unveiled its first watch, an adjustable wristwatch (Oyster Perpetual). It is interesting to know that the Rolex watch was used both to conquer Everest in 1953 and in 1960; it was taken to the lowest point on earth, Challenger Deep, which is 10,912 meters underwater. But this is not the end, and the Rolex brand has gone further; this brand was able to invent a racing chronograph wristwatch in 1963, so the Rolex watch is among the best water-resistant wristwatches.

Rolex watch features
The Rolex company has many differences from other watchmaking companies in the world, so in terms of security, no one is allowed to enter any of the four factories of this brand. The following are other special features of Rolex watches so that you can get to know more about this attractive brand:
A manual production line is used to make Rolex watches, and if more precision than human creation is needed for the watch, then robots are used.
The special protection of the company is such that only experts are allowed to enter it.
In the manufacture of watches with precious stones, the use of special stones is done manually by jewellers after expert examination to check their quality and age.
Self-sufficiency in parts is such that the company produces even the smallest screws in this watch.
The production of 24-karat gold pieces is completely done inside the company so that after converting 24-karat gold to 18-karat gold, desired colours are made.
Dedicated laboratories for quality control have been built in this company.
Using high-quality raw materials is one of the principles of making Rolex watches.
The production request process and its time-consuming nature, which sometimes takes up to a year, is a sign of high precision in production.
Having a unique serial number for each watch is another feature of these wristwatches that allows you to know the year of manufacture of your wristwatch. If it is lost and announced, it will not be found in any Rolex after-sales service and repair center. There will be no service for them.
This brand can be considered one of the best and most reliable watches in the world.
Rolex watches are tested completely separately. These tests are particular, and, for example, for diving watches, special three-stage tests are performed in the air tank, water tank and 300 meters depth.
Rolex watches collection
Rolex brand wristwatches have a lot of variety in terms of features, colours, jewellery materials and other special features that a very different watch can have. This watch is one of the luxury wristwatches. This article briefly mentions classic and professional collections, including collections.
- Classic Watches

Rolex watches prices
Rolex watches are among the most expensive watches in the world market. Having the features mentioned in this article is a good reason for the expense of this watch brand. Among the models produced by the Rolex watch brand, some watches are reasonable in terms of price, but the overall watches of this brand have high prices due to the luxury and collectability of the watches. Rolex watches can also be bought as an investment so that if you buy an original One, you can sell it at a higher price years later.

Tips for buying a Rolex watch
The fact that you want to buy a watch from another brand is completely different from the fact that you want to buy a Rolex brand watch. Due to the luxury and collectability of its watches, this brand requires full knowledge and understanding of the technical specifications, appearance and even the dimensions of the strap and body of the watch so that you can check all these items and buy safely. So, if you intend to buy a Rolex brand wristwatch, you should go to a reputable store to make the best choice with the information they provide and not get hurt by buying a fake watch.

Online shopping for Rolex watches
If you are looking to buy a Rolex brand watch, your best choice is to visit the official dealers so that you can buy the watch you want with high quality with confidence, but if you do not have the ability to buy in person due to the lack of availability of the dealer, and If you intend to buy Rolex watches online, we recommend The land of watches online store with a history of more than a decade. You can easily visit the website of the land of watches online store in the section of luxury watches to see different models of Rolex brand watches and get the watch you want with the highest quality and the most reliable guarantees, along with the ID card.